Ce cerita ce cerita pasal Control ASTRO B.yond PVR..

Kalau anda menggunakan ASTRO pakej yang tiada HD atau pun cuma biasa sahaja, imej control anda adalah seperti berikut : -

Kalau anda menggunakan ASTRO B.yond PVR contol ASTRO anda sama sekali akan berubah wajah..Perubahan yang paling ketara sekali adalah pada warna contol itu sendir iaitu putih..

Kan..totally berza dari yang atas nie kan..Kira oke laa sbb ble recoder dah baru, antena da baru so control pun kenalah berubah kepada baru sekali gak..

Untuk entry kali nie ak nak laa terangkan sikit-sikit tentang button-button yang terdapat pada control ASTRO B.yond PVR nie..

Maaf sbb imej di atas comot..ye taw bkn comot sikit tapi comot banyak gyler.. Ate da bnyk sngt buttons nyeh.. (Alasan ja..)


Nie lah antara buttons yang terdapat pada control ASTRO B.yond PVR..

To switch your ASTRO personal video recorder into or out of standby

Lights up red to show that the remote control is controlling your ASTRO PVR

To display the Home menu

**< > ^
To move around the on-screen menus and displays

** ch+ and ch-
To change channels by stepping through them

To return to the last-viewed channel or to step back through on-screen menus

To display Channel info
To display the synopsis in Channel Pilot
Also used for some interactive services

To launch interactive applications

**Number Buttons
To key in channel numbers to change channel
To type in words on certain on-screen displays

To cycle through TV inputs

** Buttons for handling recordings

** R
To start recording to an internal hard disk

** Fav
To cycle through favourite channels

** OK
To confirm a choice or save settings

**Vol+ and Vol-
To change the volume

To launch TV guide

To switch to the radio channels

**TV Standby
To switch TV into or out of Standby


Hopes entry kali nie sedikit sebanyak dapat bantu kowg untuk memahami serba-sedikit berkenaan dengan control ASTRO B.yond PVR .. : )

Nantikan entri seterusnya.. ;p
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